Thursday, January 14, 2016

Look for the Stars Daily!

As Martin Luther King Jr Day approaches, I thought this was a fitting quote to note...

Sometimes we need to experience hard times to appreciate the good times. It's unfortunate that we as humans operate this way, but it's true. We often lose sight of how blessed we are. This happens through personal experiences and through knowledge of other peoples' experiences. We might lose a job, and learn the importance of what matters in life is not what money can buy. You may know of someone who lost a child, and suddenly your child's whiny attitude doesn't bother you anymore. A local mass shooting takes place, and now we are so incredibly grateful for each moment we are given in life. The problem is... we so easily forget again. I hate that. I do it too and truly wish I didn't. Martin Luther King Jr got it right..."Only in the darkness can you see the stars". I hope to change that and remind myself daily of the blessings I have, little or big. They matter and I want to realize that without some tragedy forcing me to do so.

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