Thursday, January 21, 2016

Why Worry About Tomorrow?

So it has always been a goal of mine to read through the entire bible. Every time I try to do it though, I fail. So I bought A Woman's Guide to Reading the Bible in a Year to help motivate me and push me along. It's working! Okay, I am only on Week 3... so we'll see how it goes. But for now I'll be proud. Anyhow, that leads me to the quote. This one is from the Bible (since I am actually reading it! Woohoo!):

 "So don't worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will bring its own worries. Today's trouble is enough for today" Matthew 6:34

Now, whether you are a believer of God or not, there is something to take from this.  Isn't it true? Why do we worry SO much about every little thing? What will I make for dinner tonight? How much money is left in the checking? Our car is not going to last much longer, what are we going to do? Are the kids going to get the flu that's going around? Am I neglecting my friendships? I'm not the only one am I? (Hmmm,.. is that another worry?!) But seriously, most of us do this. We worry, worry, worry. About little things and big thing, but often things we cannot control. Maybe our children will get the flu that's being passed around this season, but what is worrying about it now going to do? Nothing! We need to worry about it when it comes! Aggghhhh... it definitely is not easy, at least not to a worry wart like me, but we need to work on it. Worry about today, today. Focus on what matters right now.

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