Thursday, January 7, 2016

New Year, New You?

This quote I found on, the ever-addicting site, Pinterest. I thought this was a fitting quote to share since we are in January and most people get in the "New Year, New Me" mentality. No matter what time of year it is though, this is something to live by. It is so easy to get caught up in comparing ourselves to other people! How is she in such good shape? She is such a better mom than I am. Their house is way nicer than ours. Not fair that she gets to stay home with her kids. Not fair that she has a successful career. Why can't I cook like that?! Any of it sound familiar? We all do it. But we shouldn't! No matter what our goals are. While it is okay (and maybe a good idea) to have someone to look to as motivation and inspiration, we should only use our progress as a comparison. No, maybe I haven't achieved my perfectly toned body, but I am one step closer to it than I was yesterday. No, I am not a fancy 5-star chef, but my meals are getting better with each trial and error effort. Its a New Year, so it's a New Me... which means no more comparing!

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